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How does your branding go? Do you put a business card into every package of product you ship? Do you add a brand to your handmade crafts? Just when I think I have got this micro-business finely tuned, I discover something that once realised, I think, “Now, I should have already known that!” Continue reading

Give ‘Em the Pickle

You are always reading about my Rhino Principle escapades. Well, here’s a new principal about which you may not know. The Pickle Principle! Find out how customer disappointment led to one of the best customer responses ever!

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Give ‘Em the Pickle Continue reading

Perking a Package with Bold of the Day

My friend Carrie works at Starbucks. After morning walks, I often stop by her store to order a “grande ‘bold’ coffee of the day, room for cream”. Sometimes I stop to pick up the coffee to take along on the walk simply because it makes me happy. I like feeling happy and figure my customers do too. Have you noticed tucking a little extra ‘happy’ into every order might have value beyond the obvious immediate? Continue reading

Get A Sale and Hold On!

Get Sale! Keep Sale! As a small business owner, I know customer service is one of the most important skills I can practice. Etsy stresses good customer relations all the time through Forums, the Etsy Success Newsletter and in a number Features. Not to mention that I really appreciate good customer service myself and know that I have often times refused to continue buying from someone who is difficult or simply disinterested in my business. Continue reading